How To Change An Email User Passwords In Smatermail

Applies to SmarterMail 8.x - 15.x
Follow these steps to change an email user passwords in SmarterMail:
  1.     Log in to the SmarterMail web interface ( as the domain administrator.
  2.     Click the Settings icon.
  3.     Expand the Domain Settings folder.
  4.     Click Users.
  5.     Click Users that you wan to change passwords in the Userlist, Click Edit
  6.     You'll see a New Password field, and a Confirm Password field. Key in your new passwords
  7.     Click Save.
  • For New Password, enter in a new password that includes at minimum 8 total characters, which includes at least 1 numeric number, a capital letter, a lower case letter and 1 special character (e.g. !, @, #, $, etc.).